Board of Directors
Richard McClain: President, Co-Founder
Don DeVries: Vice President, Co-Founder
Chuck Chirdon: Secretary
Kenn Stopek: Treasurer
Ciro Grandini
Jerry Roberts
Todd Meany
Advisory Board
Jennifer Laughlin: Martial Hearts
Rick Fike: Seminar Advisor
Danny Lane: International Advisor
Karen Eden: International Advisor
Scott DaDante: Seminar org. (East)
Dennis Janes: Seminar org. (East)
Dee Daniels: Media Advisor
Don Mathews: Vetting Advisor
Sal LaCorte: Banquet Advisor / Golf Advisor
A.J. Perry: Sponsor Advisor / Golf Advisor
Lee Quignano: Sponsor Advisor
Johnny K. Wu: Media
Tom Poji: Media
The Cleveland Martial Arts Hall of Fame was founded in 2017 by Richard McClain and Don DeVries under the umbrella of Sport Karate Productions.
Its primary foundation is for the recognition and advancement of Martial Artists in the state of Ohio and for those that promote Martial Arts in the state of Ohio and the USA by allowing members who competed in Ohio the same recognition.
In 2023 we added Martial Hearts to assist with funding MA lessons for children that are
unable to afford lessons through members' schools. In 2024 we have added an
“International” category!
Who can be a member?
• Any Black Belt that is in good standing in the Martial Arts community.
• Must be nominated by a member of the Hall of Fame.
• Must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Can we bring guests to the Banquet?
• Yes! Family, friends, and students are welcome!
Will I receive an award?
• Yes, a beautiful 11x18 Hall of Fame certificate signed by all board members.
What does it cost?
There is no charge to be a CMAHOF member.
• Cleveland Martial Arts Hall of Fame is self-funded by its yearly seminar series, banquet and sponsors.
• We ask curent members to show their support for our seminars and banquet.
Sponsor Levels
Click on any of the sponsor levels to donate.
Green Leaf:
Certificate of donation.
Bronze Leaf:
Certificate of donation.
One complimentary seminar entry.
Silver Leaf:
Certificate of donation.
One complimentary banquet dinner.
Gold Leaf:
Certificate of donation.
Two complimentary banquet dinners.
Most Asked Questions

We use Zeffy to process your payment. Zeffy does not charge processing fees to nonprofits, instead, it relies on your donations; therefore, you will have the option to donate to Zeffy at checkout (the default is a percentage of the payment, but you can select any amount or no amount).
Basic Sponsorship